Tuesday, May 23, 2023

What is the difference between liquefaction and saccharification ?

What is the difference between liquefaction and saccharification ? Liquefaction is conversion of starch into its soluble form, andn saccharification is conversion of soluble starch into glucose. Tapioca tarch is the carbohydrate reserve of plants like corn, potato, rice, cassava, wheat, and sorghum. To obtain sugar, the starch has to be hydrolyzed. The enzymatic hydrolyzation of starch into glucose syrup is considered to be more effective than acid hydrolysis. This is because enzymatic starch hydrolysis can produce greater starch conversion with a more specific and simple process. Normally, enzymatic conversion of starch needs two enzymes, namely α-amylase and amyl-glucosidase. Moreover, the process of enzymatic starch hydrolysis is divided into two steps as liquefaction and saccharification. Liquefaction is the process of converting starch into its soluble form. In this process, the starch is gelatinized and treated by α-amylase. Therefore, the starch is fragmented into regular-sized chains. Ultimately, the liquefaction process results in dextrin, maltose, malt-triose, and maltpentose. This liquefaction process is immediately followed by saccharification, which is the second stage of enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. The method for producing a liquid starch solution that is suitable for saccharification (starch into glucose syrup) is technically called liquefaction. It is done by suspending starch in water and adding a heat-resistant α-amylase and a buffer to this mixture. Later, the pH of this mixture is adjusted in the range of 7.5 to 8. Finally, the starch milk is thermally treated while repressing possible hydrolysis of starch molecules. Furthermore, different enzymes can possibly optimize starch liquefaction in terms of quality, cost, and efficiency. However, α-amylase is the most widely used enzyme in the liquefaction process. Saccharification is the conversion of soluble starch into glucose. Saccharification is the second step in the starch hydrolysis process. In this step, dextrin, maltose, malt-triose, and malt-pentose are hydrolyzed to glucose syrup by amyl-glucosidase. After liquefaction, the temperature of the resulting mixture is lowered from about 50 °C to about 70 °C and the pH to about 6.5. Then the enzyme amyl-glucosidase is added to the mixture. Amyl-glucosidase is able to convert more than 90% of malt syrup to glucose, substantially free of microbial activity. This completes saccharification. Furthermore, the glucose syrup of hydrolysate is then converted to lactic acid or ethanol by the fermentation process. The saccharification process should run smoothly in order to obtain a high yield of glucose syrup and a lower reversion rate. The challenges of the saccharification process may include uneven saccharification time, inefficient enzyme dose, and reversion to isomaltose again. What are the Similarities Between Liquefaction and Saccharification? Liquefaction and saccharification are the two main steps of starch hydrolysis. Both processes are carried out by specific enzymes. Both processes are carried out under regulated temperatures and pH. These processes have different challenges. Starch hydrolysis is the process of breaking down large starch molecules into smaller sugar molecules by adding water. Liquefaction and saccharification are the two main steps of starch hydrolysis. Both these processes are very important for domestic purposes and industrially. Liquefaction is the conversion of starch into its soluble form, while saccharification is the conversion of soluble starch into glucose. So, this is the key difference between liquefaction and saccharification. Source : https://www.differencebetween.com/what-is-the-difference-between-liquefaction-and-saccharification/#:~:text=What%20is%20Saccharification%3F,in%20the%20starch%20hydrolysis%20process.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

About GB 9685

The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Standardization Administration (SAC) jointly published the mandatory standard GB 9685 “Hygienic Standards for Uses of Additives in Food Containers and Packaging Materials”, which was subsequently updated in 2003, 2008 and 2016. GB 9685-2016 specifies principles for use of additives in food containers and packaging materials, the types of permitted additives, scope of use, maximum level, specific migration limit or maximum permitted quantity as well as other restrictive requirements. This standard also includes some monomers and initiators during the production of food contact materials and products. It has been effective October 19, 2017. Compared with the previous version, one of major changes of GB 9685 lies in that there is a more clear management model for raw and auxiliary materials. In GB 9685-2016, positive lists are used to manage the raw and auxiliary materials. For each category of food contact materials, including plastic, coating, rubber, silica gel, permitted additives list is provided to clearly indicate which kind of additive is permitted or not. Products with additives not included in those positive lists are illegal. In the latest GB 9685-2016, its positive list has included additives announced in NO.5 announcement and NO.11 announcement in 2012, NO.1 and NO.14 announcement in 2013 and NO.14 announcement in 2014. Besides, here are other changes of GB 9685-2016 compared with GB 9685-2008. • Some terms and definitions have been revised • The positive list for additives used in food contact materials has changed from 958 to 1294 • Special limitation of metallic element is added. • Abbreviations of plastic materials is added • Bibliography (according to CAS number or phonetic sequence) is added In addition, NHC also approved new additives and food contact materials to satisfy the demand of FCM industry. Detailed information of those new substances is included in released announcements. Compliance Declaration of Compliance (DoC) What is DoC? Declaration of Compliance (hereinafter referred to “DoC” for short) is a document transferred from a supplier to downstream links in the supply chain, detailing that product meet regulatory compliance requirements. The DoC provides relevant production information for compliance verification, and is a mandatory requirement in China. DoC needs to list all the applicable provisions and limitations of relevant laws and standards to help downstream links in the supply chain to have a clear idea of product regulatory status. Chinese laws and regulations on the technical requirements for food contact materials and articles, is no longer just some basic indexes, but also stipulates limitations of ingredients and additives used for the product. Only with access to information of raw and auxiliary materials, especially to restricted substances and use conditions of food contact materials and articles, can we accurately assess the compliance and safety of food contact materials and articles. Therefore, in order to ensure the effective delivery of product information, GB4806.1-2016 General safety requirements for food contact material and articles stipulates the responsibilities of enterprises: “8.3 The identification information should contain product name, materials, declaration of compliance of related regulations and standards, the name, address and contact information of the producer and/or the entrusting party, production date and guarantee period(application date) etc. 8.4 Declaration of compliance should contain information of regulations and standards in compliance with, restricted substance and its limitation and the compliance of overall migration level (for products only) etc.” What kinds of substance/material need a DoC? • Substances listed in the national standard positive list, including • GB 9685-2016 Table A.1-A.7 • GB 4806.6-2016 Table A.1 • GB 4806.10-2016 Table A.1 • GB 4806.11-2016 Table A.1 and A.2 • Substances approved by NHFPC in official announcement New food contact materials and articles application What kinds of substances/materials require a new substance application? • Food packaging materials, containers and their additives not listed in the national standard positive list nor approved by NHFPC in official announcement. For example:A plasticizer used in plastic is not listed in table A.1 of GB 9685-2016 nor approved by NHFPC in official announcement. Such plasticizer need to conduct a new substance application. • Food packaging materials, containers and additives intended to expand the use scope or the dosage. For example:Dosage of FCA0001 (CAS No.25013-16-5) used in plastic is 0.2% which is more than 0.1% as required in relevant standard, or FCA0001 (CAS No.25013-16-5) is to be used in paper and paperboard which is beyond the stipulated use scope, both of these situations need to conduct the new substance application.

Internal Sizing AKD theory #1

Keuntungan dengan menggunakan AKD 1. Mudah cara penggunaan ( simple metering equipment ) 2. Tidak mudah hydrolysis 3. Hasil sizing yang stabil. 4. Bisa mendapatkan hard sizing. 5. Lebih tahan terhadap air dan minyak. 6. Sedikit menimbulkan deposit. Pengaruh penggunaan AKD 1. Memerlukan curing, sebelum curing nilai sizing akan rendah. 2. Permukaan kertas akan lebih smooth dan licin. 3. Umur produk 30 – 60 hari. 4. Hard sizing paper tidak dapat dilaminasi dengan PE,PP atau PVC film. 5. Retention yang baik sangat diperlukan, jika tidak akan menyebabkan AKD cepat terhydrilisis dan tertangkap pada permukaan wire atau felt.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Paper binder performance with bio nanoparticles

Beliver it or not that a starch can replace petroleum based latex binders in paper making ?

Bio latex can replace 25% of Pertoleum latex during coating proceses, while maintaining comparable to superior performance.
Manufacture of starch have been found the method to modified of starch into Biolatex Starch, generally they using carboxylatex styrene butadiene and some plastilizers.
The Biolatex which have produced and called Ecolatex DZ-25 have better quality and provides performance that is comparable for important paper properties such as coating gloss, brightnessm whitenessm and printability.
Ecolatex DZ-25 have competitive price with latex based petroleum.

Ecolatex DZ 25 is made from manufature at Indonesia.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to Nature with Starch

Perkembangan teknologi dewasa ini lebih mengarah kembali untuk memanfaat Sumber Daya Alam yang bisa diperbaharui dan tidak merusak atau mencemari lingkungan sekitarnya.

Tapioca starch sebagai salah satu sumber daya alam terbaharui ternyata selain hanya digunakan untuk makanan dan bio alkohol juga dapat digunakan menjadi salah satu bahan plastic atau lebih dikenal dengan Bio Plastic.

Banyak penelitian yang telah berhasil mengkombinasikan penggunaan Tapioca Starch dengan beberapa Organic/Anorganic Plastilizer dan menghasilkan Bio plastic yang ramah terhadap lingkungan. Proses pembuatan sederhana Bio Plastic ini juga banyak di upload di situs you tube, dan kondisi terakhir di Indonesia sudah mulai banyak perusahaan pengolahan tapioca mencoba memproduksi Bio Plastic.

Mari kita kembali ke alam dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya di negeri kita

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Starch #2

Starch constitutes the nutritive reserves of many plants. During the growing season, the green leaves collect energy from the sun. In potatoes this energy is transported as a sugar solution down to the tubers, and it is down there that the sugar is converted to starch in the form of tiny granules occupying most of the cell interior.The conversion of sugar to starch takes place by means of enzymes. Then next spring, enzymes are also responsible for the re-conversion of starch to sugar - transported upwards as energy for the growing plant.THE BASIS FOR STARCH QUALITY IS LAID IN THE POTATO CLAMP.In the field or stored in clamps during winter, the tubers stay alive and need some air for respiration and life activity.Potatoes consume a small amount of their own starch during winter to maintain life functions until spring. This requires fresh air and the respiration causes generation of heat.If the surrounding temperature falls with a risk of frost, the tubers try to save their skin by extensive conversion of starch to sugar in order to lower the freezing point in the cell juice. If this does not suffice, the tubers die. Potatoes therefore must be adequately covered when stored.If the potatoes get warm, respiration increases, raising the temperature further. A lot of starch is used for the respiration and the tubers will die of heat.Unfavourable storage conditions cause starch losses and, in the worst case, dead and smashed potatoes, which are disruptive for the process.Supplies of bad potatoes have to be rejected.Damage during transport also causes quality problems. Every single blow damages cells, with starch losses and a dead spot on the tuber as a result. It is therefore of utmost importance to handle the potatoes during transport as carefully as possible with the techniques and equipment available.REFINING BEGINS ALREADY DURING RAW MATERIAL INTAKE.Drop damper for initial filling of empty store.During unloading at the factory, damage can be reduced by covering buffer silos with rubber and minimising drop impact with rubber curtains. Smashed potatoes loose a lot of juice, causing foam and unnecessary problems in the washing station.Loose dirt, sand and gravel are removed on a rotating screen before the potatoes are deposited in the store - the better the dirt removal, the lesser the problems with stones and sand in the fluming channels later. The soil also contains considerable quantities of nutrients, which will dissolve in the washing water and contribute to the environmental effect caused by the effluent.The potato store is a necessity to secure the supply of potatoes overnight. Supplies for the weekend may also be required because of restrictions on heavy road transport outside ordinary working hours.The ideal situation is to reach the bottom of the potato store every morning, because the potatoes suffer during long storage in thick layers without adequate ventilation.EFFICIENT WASHING MAKES REFINING EASIER.Soil and dirt not removed in the washing station give problems later. The washing is therefore very important. The washing is a counter current process, with fresh water added through pressure nozzles in the final step.The potatoes are flumed by water in channels - passing a stone trap - to the washing station. The stone trap utilises the difference in specific weights between stones and potatoes - an upstream water flow carries the potatoes over the stone trap, while the heavier stones are trapped and collected on a stone conveyor. The water level in the washing drum has to be kept low so that the potatoes do not float. The drum is not merely a conveyor, but also ensures that the potatoes rub vigorously against each other. The rubbing is essential for the removal of fungi, rotten spots, skin and dirt from the surface. The floating water may be recycled after settling of sand in pools.A high standard of washing improves refining because many impurities resemble starch in specific density and size, so washing the potatoes is the only way to get rid of them.The quantity of impurities adhering to the potatoes on delivery depends to a great extent on weather conditions and on the soil where the potatoes are cultivated.The quantity of water used for fluming and washing is identical with the quantity of clean water applied in the final high-pressure spray. RASPING.Rasping is the first step in the starch extraction. The goal is to open the tuber cells and release the starch granules. The slurry obtained can be considered as a mixture of pulp (cell walls), fruit juice and starch. With modern high-speed raspers, rasping is a one-pass operation only.USE OF SULPHUR.The cell juice is rich in sugar and protein. When opening the cells the juice is instantly exposed to air and reacts with the oxygen, forming coloured components, which may adhere to the starch.Sulphur dioxide gas or sodium-bisulphite-solution therefore has to be added. A considerable reduction potential of the sulphur compounds prevents discoloration. Sufficient sulphur has to be added to maintain the juice and pulp light yellow.EXTRACTION. Powerful washing is needed to flush the starch granules out from the cells - the cells are torn apart in the rasper and form a filtering mat that tries to retain the starch. Water has previously been used for the extraction, but today extraction takes place in closed systems allowing the use of the potato juice itself. It has the advantage that the juice can later be recovered in concentrated and undiluted form, reducing transport costs for its use as a fertiliser.The flushed-out starch discharges from the extraction sieves along with the fruit juice, and the cell walls (pulp) are pumped to the pulp dewatering sieves. The pulp leaves the dewatering sieves as drip- dry - i.e. approximately 13% dry matter. The extraction takes place on rotating conical sieves, where centrifugal power increases the capacity per unit of area. The high efficiency makes it feasible to utilise high quality sieve plates made of stainless steel, which will withstand abrasion and CIP-chemicals. The sieve plates have long perforations only 125 microns across. Operating Principle of a Starch Extractor.The extraction is a counter current process in which the pulp-dewatering screen is actually the last step. If the pulp is required in almost dry form, the number of spray nozzles with washing water is reduced. Instead continuous back spraying is maintained to ensure that the dry pulp will slide down the screen.CONCENTRATING THE CRUDE STARCH SLURRY.On hydrocyclone unit as much juice is excreted as possible. The starch leaves the concentrator as pumpable slurry of approximately 19 oBe.The concentrating stage typically consists of a unit with hydrocyclone blocks for defoaming, concentrating and starch recovering arranged in series.REFININGIt now remains to purify the crude starch milk (suspension) and remove residual fruit juice and impurities. The way it is done is more or less based on the same principles used when removing soap water from the laundry - you wring and soak in clean water again and again. Everyone doing laundry realises how often it is necessary to wring before the rinsing water is completely clear and that the harder you wring the fewer rinsing steps are required.In the same way, the starch slurry is diluted and concentrated again and again. To save rinsing water the wash is done counter currently - i.e. the incoming fresh water is used on the very last step and the overflow is recycled for dilution on the previous step and so on.HYDROCYCLONES

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Process for the preparation of granular cold water-soluble starch

1. A process for preparing granular cold water-soluble starch comprising the steps of: preparing a slurry of initially cold water insoluble starch granules and a liquid phase including water and a polyhydric alcohol, said slurry having a starch:water weight ratio of from about 1:0.6 to 1:3, and a starch:polyhydric alcohol weight ratio of from about 1:2 to 1:10, both of the foregoing ratios being on a dry starch basis; heating said slurry to a temperature of from about 80°-130° C. for a period of from about 3-30 minutes to convert the crystalline structure of said starch granules to cold water-soluble V-type single helix crystalline structure or an amorphous structurel while substantially maintaining the granular integrity of the starch and yielding birefringent starch granules having a cold water solubility of at least about 70%; and separating the birefringent, converted, cold water-soluble starch granules or fragments thereof from said liquid phase.

2. The process of claim 1, said starch being selected from the group consisting of cereal, tuber, root and legume starches.

3. The process of claim 2, said starch being selected from the group consisting of native wheat, corn, potato, sweet potato, tapioca, mung bean, waxy barley, and waxy corn starches, and cross-linked and substituted wheat, corn, waxy corn, potato and tapioca starches, and cross-linked waxy corn starch.

4. The process of claim 1 said polyhydric alcohol being selected from the group consisting of, 1,2- and 1,3-propanediols, all positional isomers of butanediol and glycerol.

5. The process of claim 1, said starch:water ratio being from about 1,0:1.0 to 3 and said starch:polyhydric alcohol ratio being from about 1.0:2 to 7.

6. The process of claim 1, said temperature being from about 85° to 127°.

7. The process of claim 1, said time being from about 10 to 15 minutes.

8. The process of claim 1, said heating step being carried out at substantially atmospheric pressure. 9. The process of claim 1, said separating step comprising the steps of adding an excess of volatile solvent to said slurry which is miscible with water and polyhydric alcohol, and volatilizing said solvent. 10. The process of claim 9, said solvent being selected from the group consisting of edible alcohols. 11. The process of claim 10, said solvent being selected from the group consisting of ethanol, methanol, and iso-propanol. 12. The process of claim 1, said converted, cold water-soluble starch granules having a cold water-solubility of at least about 80%.